Saturday, August 4, 2007

Saturday, August 4, Day 4: What we ate

Breakfast was Rhode Island Johnnycakes with bacon (heavenly, heavenly bacon--this from a vegetarian of 15 years), and cider.

Lunch was straight from the fridge, muskmelon, blueberries, a Cherokee Purple tomato with onions and cheese curds.

Dinner was an experiment in corn. We soaked some field corn in cal last night and ran it through the food mill to make masa. Then we made tortillas! Yummy! We had that with shredded pork, salsa verde, sauteed green beans (sauteed in delicious bacon fat) and cucumbers thinly sliced and soaked in the apple cider vinegar we made--still not that "vinegary" but a nice taste difference.

Fresh, early, new apples for dessert!

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